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In the quiet moments of realization, we find the strength to rise again 2nd January 2025 Sometimes, the weight of the world sits quietly on our shoulders, unseen by the people who are supposed to know us best. Family, work, love --- all of…
Imagine yourself in the cozy corners of the Library or Cafe, coffee in hand, a slight hum of background noise as the pages turn around you. You're surrounded by knowledge and inspiration, and here you are --- digging deep into code optimiz…
Jakarta , 25th May on National Library On this warm day I was began to wondering what about the other thinking about their goals. Not only in internet forum(e.g Reddit , Substacks and others platform ) but in reality we often tend to go fo…
Ungkapan "Ignorance is Bliss" atau "Kebodohan adalah kebahagiaan" mungkin terdengar kontradiktif pada awalnya, tetapi memahami maknanya akan membuka wawasan yang menarik tentang cara pandang terhadap kehidupan. Ungkapan ini menyiratkan bah…
What is RLHF? Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a machine learning (ML) technique that uses human input to train ML models more effectively. It's a new things in a Role of a Job between Human and Digital Processing like …
Istri Sempurna Karya Aveus Har Perpustakaan Amir Machmud, Kemendragi Jakarta Pusat, 26 Oktober 2023. Cerpen Karya Aveus Har yang dibawakan oleh Dina Amalia. [Istri Sempurna]{.underline} Hal terpenting atas keberadaannya sebagai istriku ad…
Etika atau tata cara di Tatami (Matras) Dalam pelatihan Aikido, etika sama pentingnya dengan studi teknik fisik. Etika yang tepat tidak hanya menciptakan suasana yang baik di dojo, tetapi juga mengembangkan intuisi dan kesadaran Anda. Mis…